Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
London landlord awarded $13,783 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Landlord awarded $2,201 in damages after Tenants' dog caused extensive harm to East Gwillmbury rental unit.
Ottawa landlord awarded $3,859 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate.
Landlord wins substantial interference case, tenants ordered to keep backyard clean for one year.
Peterborough landlord and tenants reach agreement to avoid eviction for non-payment of rent.
Toronto landlord awarded $6,422.76 in rent arrears and costs after successful eviction of non-paying tenant.
London landlord awarded $13,783 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Landlord awarded $2,201 in damages after Tenants' dog caused extensive harm to East Gwillmbury rental unit.
Ottawa landlord awarded $3,859 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate.
Landlord wins substantial interference case, tenants ordered to keep backyard clean for one year.
Peterborough landlord and tenants reach agreement to avoid eviction for non-payment of rent.
Toronto landlord awarded $6,422.76 in rent arrears and costs after successful eviction of non-paying tenant.
London landlord awarded $13,783 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Landlord awarded $2,201 in damages after Tenants' dog caused extensive harm to East Gwillmbury rental unit.
Ottawa landlord awarded $3,859 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate.
Landlord wins substantial interference case, tenants ordered to keep backyard clean for one year.
Peterborough landlord and tenants reach agreement to avoid eviction for non-payment of rent.
Toronto landlord awarded $6,422.76 in rent arrears and costs after successful eviction of non-paying tenant.
London landlord awarded $13,783 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Landlord awarded $2,201 in damages after Tenants' dog caused extensive harm to East Gwillmbury rental unit.
Ottawa landlord awarded $3,859 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate.
Landlord wins substantial interference case, tenants ordered to keep backyard clean for one year.
Peterborough landlord and tenants reach agreement to avoid eviction for non-payment of rent.
Toronto landlord awarded $6,422.76 in rent arrears and costs after successful eviction of non-paying tenant.
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Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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